duminică, 22 februarie 2009

I've been tagged

Andra from style puzzle tagged me!
I have to make a top of 6 things that make me happy

Here are the rules of tag:

1) link back to the person who tagged you.
2) post these rules on your blog.
3) share 6 things that put a smile on your face.
4) pass the tag along to 6 other fabulous blogs.
5) let the tagged people know by leaving a comment on their blogs

Here they are:

1) Travelling, travelling, travelling if possible at BEST events
2) Reading on a sunny day in a park where children are playing and birds are singing
3) Enjoying a hot bubble bath with candles and jazz
4) Being lazy on a beach
5) Lately, buying clothes and shoes :D
6) Going out with friends, party, meeting new people and the morning coffee with my colleagues

I don't know 6 fabulous blogs so i tagg everybody that's reading this.

2 comentarii:

  1. ti-am zis ca the shopping bug se ia :)) te-ai molipsit :D ihihi

  2. Hahaha,asa-i cand dai de bani :p Da acuma tre sa mai reduc din cheltuieli,sa strang bani pt Japonia, ca nu stiu cat imi ajung aia pe care mi-i dau ei...:D Dar de luna viitoare :))
